Westchester-Liberty Trail Phase III
DES. NO. 1902832
Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana
The Town of Chesterton and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) intend to proceed with the Westchester-Liberty Trail Phase III project. The project (Des. No. 1902832) is 0.99 mile long, and located in Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana. Specifically, the project consists of three connected segments. The first segment (Segment 1) begins at the intersection of CR 1100 North and North CR 50 East and extends approximately 0.45 mile east along the north side of CR 1100 North and ends where an existing 8-foot sidewalk begins. The second segment (Segment 2) exists between CR 1100 North and Laurel Creek Drive, beginning 0.21 mile west of the intersection of CR 1100 North and North CR 100 East and extends south approximately 0.30 mile on a new alignment through a wooded area before connecting to Laurel Creek Drive within the Tamarack Subdivision Park. The third segment (Segment 3) begins where Segment 2 ends, along the north side of Laurel Creek Drive, and extends east 0.20 mile to the intersection of North CR 100 East and Laurel Creek Drive. Segment 3 then extends south approximately 0.05 mile along the west side of North CR 100 East to the intersection with Rail Road. A Categorical Exclusion (CE) Level 3 Document was released for public involvement by the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) on January 26, 2023.
Generally, the project proposes to construct an 8-foot-wide shared-use path, connecting Westchester-Liberty Trail I to Westchester-Liberty Trail II, and existing sidewalks.
Segment 1
The new eight-foot wide, paved, shared-use path would be constructed along the north side of CR 1100 North, from the intersection of North CR 50 East and tie into the existing eight-foot-wide concrete sidewalk which begins approximately 250 feet west of North CR 100 East. There will be crosswalks added at the intersection of CR 1100 North and North CR 50 East to connect the new shared-use path to Westchester-Liberty Trail I. Two culvert pipe extensions (STR 101 and STR 102) will be necessary and consist of adding new pipes of the same size to the outlet of each structure. STR 101 would be extended five feet north and STR 102 would be extended three feet north, carrying streams Pope O’Connor Ditch and unnamed tributary (UNT) to Pope O’Connor Ditch, respectively. In the area of STR 101 and 102, the new shared-use path would be bordered by a guardrail to the south and a pedestrian handrail to the north. Additionally, inlets, storm sewers, and driveway culverts will be installed as necessary to facilitate drainage along CR 1100 North.
Segment 2
The new shared-use path would be an eight-foot-wide boardwalk and would exist within the wooded area between CR 1100 North and Laurel Creek Drive. A small culvert (STR 106) would be constructed where the new shared-use path crosses over UNT to Pope O’Connor Ditch in the wooded area between CR 1100 North and Laurel Creek Drive. The new shared-use path would then enter the Tamarack Subdivision Park and be constructed adjacent to the existing four-foot-wide gravel sidewalk.
Segment 3
The new paved shared-use path would exist along the north side of Laurel Creek Drive and continue south along the west side of North CR 100 East to the intersection of Rail Road, where it would connect with Westchester-Liberty Trail II. The existing sidewalk along Laurel Creek Drive would be removed and replaced with a new eight-foot-wide shared-use path. ADA-compliant curb ramps would be constructed at all intersections as needed. There would be crosswalks added at the intersection of North CR 100 East and Rail Road to connect the new shared-use path to Westchester-Liberty Trail II.
Notice of Construction Phasing
The WLT Phase 3 project received a Categorical Exclusion (CE) level 3 document approval from INDOT on July 14, 2023, and the WLT Phase 3 project formally announced the conclusion of the environmental analysis phase in a Notice of Project Advancement on August 4, 2023. Since the approval of the CE document, the estimated project costs have been revised, and exceed the funds allocated for construction. The Town of Chesterton has decided to construct the WLT Phase 3 project in phases, Phase 3A and Phase 3B. Phase 3A will proceed to construction in 2024 and the Town will seek additional funds in the future to cover Phase 3B construction costs.
Phase 3A will include the construction of a new shared-use path along the north side of County Road (CR) 1100 N, from the intersection of CR 1100 N and CR 50 E/5th Street to the existing 8-foot-wide concrete sidewalk approximately 250 feet west of CR 100 E.
Phase 3B will include the construction of an 8-foot-wide boardwalk through portions of the forested area between CR 1100 N and Laurel Creek Drive, construction of a new shared-use path through Tamarack Subdivision Park to Laurel Creek Drive, replacement of the existing 4-foot-wide sidewalk on the north side of Laurel Creek Drive with a new 8-foot-wide shared-use path from the Tamarack Subdivision Park to CR 100 E, and construction of a new shared-use path south along the west side of CR 100 E to the intersection of CR 100 E and Rail Road. Additionally, a mid-block crossing will be constructed across CR 1100 N from the shared-use path on the north side of CR 1100 N to the new boardwalk through the forested area.
Notice of Project Advancement
The Town of Chesterton held a public hearing on April 19, 2023 regarding the proposed Westchester-Liberty Trail (WLT) Phase 3 project (Des. No. 1902832) in Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana. The public hearing was held as part of the environmental analysis phase and per federal requirements outlined by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The WLT Phase 3 project is formally announcing the conclusion of the environmental analysis phase. Subsequent to reviewing and considering all comments and materials received, the Town of Chesterton will advance this project to the next phase of development with construction anticipated to take place in 2024. Environmental documentation, including written responses to public comments submitted as part of the public involvement process, are available for review in the links below until September 4, 2023.
Phased Construction Project Graphics
Legal Notice of Project Advancement
Approved Environmental Document
Legal Notice of Public Hearing
Project Information Packet (Updated)
Project Renderings and Design Exhibits
Comment Period Closed May 5, 2023
Legal Notice of Planned Improvement
Comment Period Closed March 15, 2023
Meghan Hinkle
Senior Environmental Specialist
American Structurepoint, Inc.