DES. NO. 1700198
Bloomington, Monroe County, Indiana
Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT)
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
INDOT, in partnership with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), is developing a federal-aid road project to improve access along SR 45/46 to the existing intersections of West (W) Stonelake Drive and North (N) Monroe Street, as well as access modifications to W Arlington Road within the project area. The project begins 0.2 mile east of I-69 and extends east for 0.48 mile along SR 45/46 before terminating. The project generally includes access modifications along SR 45/46 to the existing intersections of W Stonelake Drive and N Monroe Street, as well as at the SR 45/46 overpass of W Arlington Road. The project will modify the intersection of N Monroe Street/W Stonelake Drive and SR 45/46 utilizing a reduced conflict intersection concept. Additionally, a new off ramp will be constructed for westbound traffic on SR 45/46 to W Arlington Road in the northeast quadrant of the W Arlington Road and SR 45/46 overpass.
N Monroe Street and N Stonelake Drive – Reduced Conflict Intersection
To accomplish these improvements, the existing access point of W Stonelake Drive and SR 45/46 will be permanently removed. A new access point on SR 45/46 will be constructed approximately 600 feet east of the existing W Stonelake Drive and SR 45/46 intersection and align with N Stonelake Drive. The typical section of N Stonelake Drive will include two 12-foot travel lanes with 6-foot shoulders. The typical section of N Monroe Street will also include two 12-foot travel lanes with 6-foot shoulders. A reduced conflict intersection concept will be developed at the new access point of N Stonelake Drive, the existing access point of N Monroe Street, and SR 45/46 that will allow only right turns from the minor approaches and will force the direct left-turn and through movements to indirect U-Turn movements along the major roadway (SR45/46). Additionally, a 5-foot sidewalk will be constructed to connect the existing sidewalk at the north end of the pedestrian bridge (P(45)46-53-06239) to the existing sidewalk located along the north shoulder of W Stonelake Drive, and a crosswalk will be constructed across W Stonelake Drive.
Modifications to SR 45/46
Auxiliary left- and right-turn lanes will be added to SR 45/46 to accommodate the new traffic pattern at N Stonelake Drive and an auxiliary right-turn lane will be added to SR 45/46 to accommodate the new traffic pattern at N Monroe Street. The typical section along SR 45/46 will include four 12-foot travel lanes (two in each direction) as well as two 12-foot left-turn lanes (one eastbound and one westbound) with 5-foot inside shoulders and 10-foot outside shoulders. Loons will be added at the minor approaches to allow for U-turns along SR 45/46. The loons are bump outs along the roadway, which will be constructed by widening the pavement of SR 45/46 to provide additional room for vehicles to complete the U-turn maneuver. The U-turn will be yield controlled; therefore, the loon has been designed to provide for an acceleration area before traffic merges onto SR 45/46. Impacts to existing roadside lighting along SR 45/46 and at W Stonelake Drive/N Monroe Street are anticipated, and impacted lighting will be replaced. Impacts to the existing storm sewer in the SR 45/46 median are anticipated and new storm sewer will be designed per INDOT guidelines.
Additionally, in response to comments received during public involvement and subsequent review, the speed limit along SR 45/46 will be lowered from 50 mph to 45 mph and the pavement marking and signage will be updated within the project area. A special guide sign will be posted at the intersection of SR 45/46 and W Stonelake Drive/N Monroe Street illustrating the traffic pattern for the reduced conflict intersection. Additionally, left-turn and U-turn only signs will be posted along SR 45/46 (westbound and eastbound) for the left lane and a sign will be posted along SR 45/46 westbound for the new off ramp at W Arlington Road.
SR 45/46 Westbound Off ramp for W Arlington Road
Additionally, a new off ramp will be constructed for westbound traffic on SR 45/46 to W Arlington Road in the northeast quadrant of the W Arlington Road overpass of SR 45/46. The typical section along the SR 45/46 westbound off ramp for W Arlington Road will include one 16-foot ramp lane with a 4-foot inside shoulder and 10-foot outside shoulder. A Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) wall will be used to minimize environmental impacts and right-of-way necessary for the project. It should be noted that no work will occur on the W Arlington Road overpass, Bridge Number: (45)46-53-05993 B.
Notice of Project Advancement
The Indiana Department of Transportation’s (INDOT) Seymour District held a public hearing on June 7, 2022 regarding proposed improvements [IJ1] beginning 0.2 mile east of I-69 and extending east for 0.48 mile along SR 45/46 in Bloomington, Monroe County. The public hearing was held as part of the environmental analysis phase as required per the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Subsequent to reviewing and considering all comments and materials received as a result of the public hearing held at North Central Church of Christ on June 7, 2022, INDOT will advance this project to the next phase of development with construction anticipated to begin in 2024. Environmental analysis documentation, including response to comments submitted as part of the public hearing, is available at the links below. The Environmental Document is also available for viewing at Monroe County Public Library until (30 days from posting). Should you have questions regarding this notice please contact the INDOT Customer Service Center at 1-855-463-6848 or indot@indot.in.gov.
Notice of Project Advancement September 2023
Submit all comments by June 21, 2022.
Kaitlynn Walker
Staff Geologist
American Structurepoint, Inc.