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DES NO. 2001161

Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana



Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT)


The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) is developing plans for the proposed State Road (SR) 32 Muncie Roadway Improvement Project (Des. No. 2001161) located in Muncie, Delware County, Indiana. 


The need of the project is evidenced by the pavement condition along SR 32, which is deteriorating with transverse and longitudinal cracks as well as minor rutting and stripping of the pavement surface prevalent throughout the corridor. There is evidence of joint and crack sealing along this section of roadway, but degredation of the pavement continues and there are numerous cracks as well as voids in the driving surface. There are also existing curb ramps along the project area that are not compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Additionally, dedicated bicycle lanes do not exist along SR 32 through downtown Muncie and the existing sidewalks are generally not wide enough to be considered adequate for both pedestrian and bicycle use. Vehicle speeds through this section of SR 32 also trend towards 10 mph over the speed limit. Furthermore, the existing volume of traffic on SR 32 through downtown is estimated at 8,700 vehicles per day, which does not require two travel lanes in each direction.


The proposed project would consist of milling and resurfacing SR 32 along with modifying the pavement markings to reduce the number of travel lanes throughout the project area and incorporate dedicated bicycle lanes. The proposed project would also consist of curb ramp modifications at select intersections to install ADA-compliant curb ramps and signal modifications to relocate signal infrastructure to provide the necessary clearance for the installed ADA curb ramps where necessary.


From Perdieu Road to Nichols Avenue, the existing 4-lane typical section along SR 32 would be reduced to a 3-lane typical section with two 12-foot-wide travel lanes (one in each direction) with a 16-foot-wide two-way left turn lane. Dedicated left- and right-turn lanes will be provided at intersecting roadways as needed. From Nichols Avenue to Jackson Street, the roadway typical section will remain consistent with existing conditions.


From the intersection with Kilgore Avenue and Jackson Street (SR 32 Eastbound) to the intersection of Main Street (SR 32 westbound) and Jackson Street (SR 32 eastbound), the existing 2-lane typical section along Jackson Street (SR 32 eastbound) would be reduced to one approximately 11-foot-wide travel lane with a 5- to 6-foot-wide bike lane, a varying buffer separating the bike lane from the travel lane, and 8-foot-wide on-street parking where feasible.


From the intersection with Kilgore Avenue and Main Street (SR 32 westbound) to the intersection of Main Street (SR 32 westbound) and Jackson Street (SR 32 eastbound), the existing 2-lane typical section along Main Street (SR 32 westbound) would be reduced to one 12- to 16-foot-wide travel lane with a 5- to 7-foot-wide bike lane, a varying buffer separating the bike lane from the travel lane, and 8- to 11-foot-wide on-street parking. From the point where Main Street (SR 32 westbound) merges with Jackson Street (SR 32 eastbound) to approximately 0.2 mile east of the US Highway 35 interchange, the roadway typical section of SR 32 will remain consistent with existing conditions. The modifications to the typical roadway sections discussed above will remain within the existing curb lines and the adjacent existing sidewalks and grass buffers will remain the same.


The project will require approximately 0.028-acre of permanent new right-of-way and approximately 0.002 acre of temporary right-of-way. The project will not result in any relocations. 


Public Hearing

A public hearing will be held at 6:00 PM on December 5, 2022, at the Ivy Tech Fisher Building, Multi-Purpose Room (Room F110), located at 345 South High Street, Muncie, Indiana. The public information presentation and accompanying documents will also be posted to this webpage by November 19, 2022. The Indiana Department of Transportation will advance this project to the next phase of development with construction anticipated to take place in 2023. Environmental analysis documentation will remain available for public inspection during normal office hours at the Carnegie Public Library, located at 301 East Jackson Street, Muncie, Indiana.


Alexa Helms

Environmental Scientist

American Structurepoint, Inc.


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