Bridge over the Norfolk Southern Railroad (PIC-Circleville RRGS)
PID. NO. 115981
Circleville, Pickaway County, Ohio
The purpose of the project is to improve mobility and reduce traffic disruptions for the public (motorists, pedestrians, and emergency responders) in the City of Circleville caused by train delays on the Norfolk Southern Rail Lines.
The nearest railroad grade separation north of Circleville is near the County Road 511 and U.S. 23 intersection and at County Road 16 south of Circleville. Additionally, no at-grade separations exist east and south of Clinton Street until travelers reach County Road 16. Furthermore, spur tracks are present west of Court Street and lead to the grain mill, which leads to trains often stopping on the railroad tracks, especially during the busy season for the grain mill. The spur tracks from the grain mill results in two sets of tracks bisecting Circleville from near Court Street, east and south, to the city limits.
The incorporated limits of Circleville extend both north and south of all existing 14 at-grade railroad crossings. Police, fire, and emergency medical services (EMS) response times have been impacted due to the number of trains per day and the queuing of vehicles at intersections. Furthermore, the OhioHealth Berger Hospital, Pickaway County EMS, Circleville Police Department, and Circleville Fire Department are all located north of the at-grade railroad crossings. Accessing both north and south of the at-grade railroad crossings has become a challenge for emergency services with the frequent blockages of the rail crossings. Detouring around the blocked traffic or train crossings is not feasible.
Currently, four (4) alternatives are under consideration for a proposed bridge over the railroad tracks; however, additional alternatives may also be considered. The alternative locations currently under consideration include Court Street, Pickaway Street, Washington Street, and Progress Parkway.
The project is in the planning phase of ODOT's Project Development Process. The city is currently studying the alternatives and no decisions have been made at this time. The Feasibility Study will be finalized in 2024 and an additional public meeting will occur later to present the findings. No dates for project design, construction, or any other part of the proposed project have been determined.
Coming soon!
Submit all comments by April 5
Frank Aransky, P.E.
Project Manager
American Structurepoint, Inc.